FAB Antibody bound to fHbp 5O14 (Volumetric)

Regular price $52.46

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Model Description
3D printed protein model of an Antibody FAB Fragment bound to Meningococcal fHbp visualized as a volumetric surface and colored to visualize the different proteins involved with amino acids stabilization. Colored by atom type are the interlocking amino acids stabilizing the protein interaction. This biologic model is 3D printed in full-color sandstone. (shades of FAB = green and fHbps = blue by the protein's secondary structure). 

For international customers outside the US, please visit the model on our 3D printing service's international website: LINK

Select the desired material finish and size below. Matte finish applies a UV protective, semi-glossy coating.

Created from PDB ID: 5O14